
let us take it from here

We offer our service to both NP students and Nursing programs.


how it works for students:

  1. Submit your information, and receive a call back from a member of our team within 48 hours. We will assess your needs to make sure we can confidently place you and answer any questions you might have about the process.

  2. If we decide to proceed with placement, a $500* refundable deposit will be due to begin the MatchNP process. The deposit is applied to the final payment and is not an additional fee. We charge an average of $10.00 - $13.50 per clinical hour. Please note, some rates may exceed $13.50/clinical hour depending on location, speciality and clinical need. Please submit a student intake form to receive a quote. Urgent placement available for an additional fee.

  3. We will notify you once a match has been made. We will complete your programs paperwork and put you in contact with your preceptor.

are you a nursing program looking for help placing your students?

We are here to help!


We provide services to help schools facing the challenges of matching students with vetted preceptors. We have an extensive database of providers which encompass a variety of specialties ready to suit the needs of your students.

Let’s connect! Fill out the form or inquire at

Calling all preceptors!


Nurse practitioners are a rapidly growing proffession.

If you’re looking inspire the next generation of Nurse Practitioners please submit your information below.